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Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @BlueBay


I have been there for you all that time too - in the background - praying for you and sometimes crying - I had a need for my own boundaries which had nothing to do with you


If it has any meaning I think other people were more sensitive because of the way things fell out - and that has to be a good thing - 


And @utopia - BlueBay - I saw my doctor late this afternoon - he gave me something strong for my migraine and it has gone away now which is a relief - when I woke up this morning there was someone using a power saw on trees or hedges of something - it seemed to be right inside my head - aw - I guess the sheer weight of stuff got to me -


I spoke to my daughter and grand-daughter on the phone this evening - I get tense about these important issues being communicated with text messages - I find it awkward to text anything long even though I used predictive text so I rang up. I told my daughter this has been going on too long and suggested she see her GP about moving the surgeon along if possible and she thinks that's a good idea - I hope it happens quickly


Thanks for the flowers @Faith-and-Hope - yes - I love Australian natives and they are lovely


Just to an in an extra - my cat tends to scratch - from bossiness rather than nastiness - I am always sporting scratches with yellow ointment making it obvious - over the weekend she clawed me badly on my arm and it has improved over the weekend but I showed my GP and the photos and he is concerned - I really hate this but the cat might have to go - I refuse to get upset - I have had the cat for a long time and I think she might be getting too bossy and that's a problem - I'm giving her another chance - let's wait and see - 


Everything happens at once


And thanks everyone @Adge@Zoe7@Sophia1 and everyone else 


Re: Life can be a Pain

❤️ @Owlunar

I need to go @Owlunar im in bed but flashbacks of abuse are triggering me at the moment. I’m scared I won’t be able to sleep. Thankyou fir being such a caring person. I’ve really missed our chats and glad we can chat now. Gosh now I’m crying. 

Take care @Owlunar xxoo

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar I have read all about your troubles over the last few posts and I am glad your migraine has settled down. It would be great if the surgeon could see your daughter sooner - as you said - this has been going on for a long time. Sorry I haven't been able to engage here with you - been doing things tough for a few days myself so stayed away from the forum. Just working my way around threads now and then will log off myself for the night again. Sending you a warm smile and a huge hug though Dec Heart


Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain



no need to apologise, we know what it’s like to have no energy for even thinking at times. You look after you first, but I’m so glad you did post today. 


When things happen all-at-once - it does make the day so much harder. “If it doesn’t rain it pours” comes to mind.

- migraines suck! And tend to wipe out an entire day, rest up.


- how did you go at the doctor this afternoon?


- not doing ordinary chores for days isn’t that important. But a sign you’re certainly not yourself 😞 


- feeling tired & waves of hopelessness unde recent circumstances, and weather changes, is perfectly natural.


That temptation to quit is common to so many of us here - but


“big decisions need to be made on your best days”


I’m glad you’re NOT inclined to do that


“all the bitzpiecez of ordinary life that are needing attention right now - sure would feel overwhelming, but to feel like

“doing a puzzle in the dark”

”with hands tied”

thats impossible 😞  

Aww Dec, 😞 sounds like you really need some help - there’s no shame in it. Do you have anyone you can trust?


but I do understand when you’ve been so independent & capable alone most your life. 


Something you said really spoke to me: “ it all comes to pass and I can sit it out and I will sit it out - I will deal with all I have in front of me” 🙂 


wow, that’s a powerful affirmation - you go girl!  but do go gently 🌸


I hear you - being ‘very tired’ and it’s no wonder with emotional things and physical pains 😞  


Rest up 🙂


Glad your grand-daughter is recovering well, And your daughters hyster is coming up quickly, and people are respecting your uncles privacy but keeping you adequately informed - keep praying for him. 


you don’t have to perform for us Dec. 

just ad you are

“you are enough”


be be still a while 🙂 


Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Zoe7 - I understand - we have to put ourselves first at times - it can be a rather isolated path at times but it is a place to learn - at least - I find that


Sending some warm smiles and hugs bace Zoe


I really love the blue sneakersI really love the blue sneakers




Re: Life can be a Pain

Yes @Owlunar we sometimes have to put ourselves first to be able to just get through the day - something I think I am learning to do for myself more as time goes on. It will become even more important for me when I return to work - I cannot go back to how it used to be when work ran my life - I need much more of a balance and planty of timeout for myself. I suppose only time will tell what that looks like but knowing there are people here that I have support from will undoubtedly make that path easier. You have been one of those great supports for me for a long time now - that never goes unnoticed Dec and I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me. I may not be around much over the next week but I will be thinking about you and hope that life becomes a little easier for you ...something you not only need but deserve Heart

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Adge ....


I am not big on natives, but my mother was ..... and I thought these were gorgeous too.  I am glad you like them @Owlunar.  Feeling for you too .....



Re: Life can be a Pain

They're South-African flowers @Faith-and-Hope Proteas & Leucadendrons.

They're related to Australian Banksias & Grevilleas (but not Australian).

I love them, they're amongst my favourites - though mine didn't survive.

Thinking of you @Owlunar I sending you warm, supportive thoughts.


Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks for that @Adge .... good to know .... 👍

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar Has your cat always been a "scratchy" type or is this something that has occurred over the past year or so?  I just wonder if she's getting irritable due to old age,  or maybe physical discomfort. 

Just a thought. 

Sweet Dreams to you.