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Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Former-Member@Sophia1@Zoe7@BlueBay@utopia


The things that are going on in my life right now are common to everyone I am sure - it's just that they are happening all at once and that could be unusual - 


Today I have a migraine - my head feels really fragile on the left side - and I have taken some medication for it but I am seeing my doctor this afternoon as usual - I am sure he will give me something to help.


Everything else will happen as I go along - I haven't done much but tidy up around here over the weekend - ordinary chores - leaving everything until this week - and I started on a couple of things and I am waiting for return phone calls and feel tired of all of this - there is a temptation to let it all go but I am not inclined to do that - and I can hardly believe all the bitzpiecez of ordinary life that are needing attention right now - from other people's mistakes with my services - and it feels like a puzzle I am doing in the dark with my hands tied - 


I will be okay - I will always be okay - many years ago now things were really dark and with my reactive depression I couldn't manage - didn't manage - but I learned then that it all comes to pass and I can sit it out and I will sit it out - I will deal with all I have in front of me


But I am tired - 


Okay - this is the good news - my grand-daughter had her operation on Friday - I texted with her on Saturday and she was sore but looking forward to recovering. My daughter has a couple of weeks to go before her appointment with her surgeon and is hoping that there will be a cancelation and I haven't heard any more about my uncle though I am communicating with my cousin on Facebook and in his blog - I am sure he will tell me when things occur - there is a strong need for privacy there


And I will be okay - as rotten as I feel - I know time passes - it's just unpleasant - things were so much worse 30+ years ago in the past




And sorry - as much as I care I am not much good to anyone right nowHeart

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar im sorry you’re not well. Migraines csn be so debilitating. I know I’ve had a few recently. Glad though you have a doctors appt this afternoon. 

I’m nit in a good headspace today. Had done terrible flashbacks of my abuse which has left me very very sngry. 

Good news on your grand daughter and hope your daughter had her surgery soon. 

Take care @Owlunar you have always been in my mind even when we didn’t communicate. ❤️❤️


Re: Life can be a Pain

I hate those times when everything needs your attention at once @Owlunar. No wonder you are tired.  I would be too.  Hopefully your migraine will ease as the day progresses.  Sending you hugs ❤

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain



@Owlunar ❣️

Re: Life can be a Pain

hello @Owlunar


Thank you for replying under such stretched times...

You do not need to be concerned about being there for others..

Being there for yourself and family will be draining all of your energy alongside life and it's daily challenges..

I too am of no use to anyone at the moment...

@BlueBay Thinking of you at such extremely difficult times...

@Former-Member Thinking of you also as you get through this time...

@utopia Hoping that life is being kinder to you...


Re: Life can be a Pain

Thsnkyou @Sophia1 ❤️❤️

Re: Life can be a Pain

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thank you @Sophia1

Re: Life can be a Pain

Native flower vase.jpg

I was trying to think of flowers that might appeal to you @Decadian ..... and I hope I got it right .... 🌾💛

Re: Life can be a Pain

I love the flowers @Faith-and-Hope Even they are for @Decadian

They're gorgeous.


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