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Borderline Personality Disorder and bi polar 1

Any iinfo on dual diagnosis would help



Re: Borderline Personality Disorder and bi polar 1

Hi @Niknat 


I just wanted to pop by and welcome you to the forums.

Hopefully some members who may have lived experience of this dual diagnosis will be by soon to share some of their knowledge.

Was there any specific information you were looking for? Such as getting diagnosed, or what symptoms others have experienced, treatments etc? 

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder and bi polar 1

Hey @Niknat welcome to the forums!! It's nice to e-meet you 😊


I myself don't have a dual diagnosis in BPD and BP1, however, I know there are other members who do, and I'm sure they'll be able to connect with you soon.


Look forward to see you around the forums 💙

Re: Borderline Personality Disorder and bi polar 1

Just want to hear of other experiences. Diagnosed some 20 years ago.


Re: Borderline Personality Disorder and bi polar 1

@Niknat thanks for letting us know! while you wait on some responses, i thought i'd link some old threads here if you're interested (no pressure of course):


Bipolar and BPD - SANE Forums

hello!! - SANE Forums

Family Issues - SANE Forums


also here's a lil tip for using the forums - if you want to reply to someone, you can tag them by using the @ symbol and typing their username to ensure they get notified of your response. like this: @Niknat