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Re: Good Morning!

@Judi9877 Good morning how are you doing today 💚

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @WIP @Ant7 @MDT @Judi9877 @TAB 


For our Melbournians, it certainly is a cold one today! I went for a morning walk in the sun today and was thinking, 'Oh, it's not too bad'. But then the cold front, rain, chilly wind hit!


I guess we can learn from nature itself. Although it may be sunny, an unexpected cold front can hit us! But don't forget the other way too - it may seem bleak, foggy and cold, but suddenly, the sunshine appears out of nowhere!


Hope you are all having an awesome day of learning and growth!


I've just finished a nice hot pumpkin soup for lunch, then I will get back to work!


Once again, @WIP , I am so proud of the effort you are putting in to articulate your thoughts, feelings and challenges on these forums. I know it is not easy, but reading back, I think you are doing an amazing job! I can see that even in the darkest times, you plucked up that little bit of courage to type a few sentences. I believe this in itself aides recovery. I myself am better at writing than speaking, let alone when I am heightened! I can see why speaking to your psych can be difficult. However, I guess you can have practise unpacking your thoughts here so that you will be well-versed for tomorrow's appt!


All the best!


Re: Good Morning!

yeah wet really doesnt go with the cold @BPDSurvivor  lol

You are so positive !

not the best today, trying to change meds re side effects not going away

Re: Good Morning!

Good Morning well it still is here. just @Ant7  not up to much here, hope things okay for you

Re: Good Morning!

@BPDSurvivor Hi how are you doing today 😊

Re: Good Morning!

@TAB  I am going ok thanks mate 😊

Re: Good Morning!

Thats good @Ant7  just saying hello Cat Happy

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @WIP @TAB @Ant7 @BPDSurvivor @MDT @NatureLover and everyone visiting. Finally got back from shopping and collecting meds. Managed to get caught in a hail storm coming out of jb hifi which wasn't appreciated! Back home at long last with a late lunch of tomato and basil rice and a hot coffee. Gotta love Melbourne weather! 

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @BPDSurvivor 

I've been in some very dark places of late, and taping a note in these forums has helped, but moreso receiving supportive comments back from members.


Struggling a bit this afternoon.  Day 6 of antidepressant washout and worrying about tomorrow.  I have amended my notes so many times.  Just need to keep my cool tomorrow and if I feel myself getting emotional/irrational, I'll just hand my notes to him, as I did last week and then hopefully compose myself enough to have a discussion.  Going into the appointment with a positive frame of mind, will influence how I present myself to him.


Hope you enjoyed your hot pumpking soup for lunch.


@Ant7 @Hamsolo01 @Judi9877 @TAB@NatureLover 

Hope you guys are all ok and travelling well today Smiley Happy


Stay warm if you're in Vic.  It's too chilly for me....

Re: Good Morning!

how come JB hifi is still open? @Judi9877