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Re: Good Morning!

Hey @WIP ! So good to hear from you!


I'm glad you are looking at doing things differently to support your recovery. It is great you are ready to openly communicate with your psych concerning your needs. Ultimately it is your body. Specialists can give you advice, but the decision boils down to you. In the past, I tried several SSRIs. In the end, it was the SNRI group which helped. All the best with this.


As for my work, these restrictions definitely affect it. It just means we have to do things differently - if anything, it's more work. While there's kids in this world, the education sector stands. 

The uncertainty of the current climate is bringing anxiety to a lot of people. My heart goes out to business owners who survived the first wave, but will definitely suffer in the second. I wish I could help everybody, but I can't.


Anyway, i'm glad to hear from you @WIP . Please continue to reach out.


My thoughts, hugs and prayers,


Re: Good Morning!

@DJMasters I am going ok thanks 😊

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon @MDT @Ant7 @BPDSurvivor @DJMasters @WIP @greenpea @Maggie @NatureLover @Sans911 @eth @outlander @frog @TAB @Shaz51 and everyone here. Have a wonderful day! Thank you to everyone who sent good wishes to me yesterday- much appreciated😊💐

Re: Good Morning!

@Judi9877 Hi how are you doing today ❤️

Re: Good Morning!

morning @Judi9877 hope your days good too. thanks for the shoutout

Re: Good Morning!

good afternoon @Judi9877 HeartHeart

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Judi9877

Re: Good Morning!

Good late Morning @DJMasters 

Re: Good Morning!

Afternoon @BPDSurvivor 

I hope you're having a good afternoon and it's not too busy for you.


It is great you are ready to openly communicate with your psych concerning your needs. Ultimately it is your body. Specialists can give you advice, but the decision boils down to you. 


I hope my psych respects my decision on his recommendation and takes on board the reason why I don't want to take it, and then supports what I would like to try next - even though it's a bit like going back to basics, in the sense that it's a SSRI that helped me years ago.

It is my body and yes, ultimately I should have the final decision in what I take (when I have been properly informed by the specialist). This psych hasn't properly informed me in the past and I've had terrible experiences, so I've done my own research and feel comfortable with the approach I'd like to take.  Can't help but feel anxious about my upcoming psych appt, as he may not be supportive and take it as I'm not listening to him and going against him.


Anyway, day by day. Still hour by hour sometimes.




Re: Good Morning!

Hi @WIP ,


I guess your 'suggestion' will be taken into consideration depending on how you convey it. Once again, if writing it down helped last time, you should probably take a few notes down.


From what you have explained, it certainly sounds very reasonable. At your psych appt, acknowledge you have considered his/her suggestions, but after your own research, you feel more comfortable taking an alternative method. As I said, specialists do try to work in with their patients. He may try to convince you otherwise, and if you agree with his explanation, you can act accordingly.  You have every right to voice your opinions, concerns, preferences. 


Many people don't know about advance statements. They are relatively new, but are made so that if you are acutely unwell at any stage, they can refer to this advance statement to understand your treatment preferences. For example, some people prefer having a M/F treating them, some prefer community treatment over inpatient, some people prefer family consultation. An advance statement has helped me A LOT. My advance statement includes treatments that really work against my recovery, as well as preferred treatments.


Anyway, I think you are doing an amazing job @WIP . I appreciate this is a difficult time for you, but the fact that you are ready to reach out even when you feel weak, is very promising. It shows you are ready to make changes. If anything, I am so proud of your efforts!


I had a lovely day today. I took advantage of the sunshine as we may not have it next week. I went for three walks, practised my breathing exercises, had lunch out in the sunshine, and just appreciated life in general. 


Hi-five to you @WIP ! You're a fighter!

