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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks tabs @TAB
Should be nice. Get away from sister and friends lol

Re: Good Morning!

Ha yeah just makes me think of work I need to do on my car @MDT  at least youre out for a trip

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @MDT 🙏 

Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @greenpea 🙏 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning and good afternoon @Faith-and-Hope @TAB @MDT @greenpea @Former-Member @Anastasia @Meowmy @Clawde @Schitzo @WIP @Adge @Shaz51 @BPDSurvivor @frog @Former-Member @oceangirl and all those here. I hope you have a great day! Stay cool if you're in a heat affected area😎


I'm really struggling with tiredness so I apologise if I've missed anyone. It's an effect of not taking meds 2 nights ago and I'm paying for it. My GP called today after I made an appointment which I forgot about and he said that what I'm experiencing is okay and probably to do with heat as well.


Take care forumites!


Re: Good Morning!

take care @Judi9877 

Re: Good Morning!

❤️ @Judi9877  .....

Re: Good Morning!

Look after yourself @Judi9877 💞💞

Re: Good Morning!

@Judi9877 hope you will be okay 

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT  Thanks Hams :Dxx

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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