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Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @TAB,

happy Sunday! I hope you have a good day, 🌸😊

Re: Good Morning!

Morning @Schitzo @greenpea @TAB @oceangirl @MDT @oceangirl @Ant7 @Shaz51 @Sam3 @Judi9877 @Faith-and-Hope @eth @Former-Member @Snowie @Clawde @NatureLover @BPDSurvivor @Dadcaringalone @outlander @Teej @CheerBear @Maggie ... everyone around today

Anyyone in the southeast of the country, and any other hot spots look after yourself in the heat


Re: Good Morning!

Ha poor Snoopy. Good Morning  @frog 

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Schitzo  hope you are okay 

Hi @greenpea  if you are around, hope you are coping with heat somehow. It rained ok briefly last night, seems to have cooled things off a bit

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @frog 

Hope you have a good day 😁😁

Re: Good Morning!

@frog ,


Im in Melbourne so yes, we've got the heat today.

Looks like the heat will extend through to Australia Day. 

Hi everyone! @Snowie @TAB @Schitzo @greenpea 

Re: Good Morning!

Hi @BPDSurvivor  Good Morning , its starting to cool down here I think, 30 tomorrow and Aust Day

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @BPDSurvivor 

Look after yourself in the heat 


Re: Good Morning!

@frog  keep yourself cool in those puddles my fellow green friend. Yes I am staying inside today. Too hot for me. Love peaxxx

Re: Good Morning!

@TABs Hey TABs am bunkering down in my lil unit today thank you. It is going to be a hot one :o! Really happy that you got some rain last night though. Hopefully you will get some more. Love peaxx

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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