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Re: Life can be a Pain

Hello @Shaz51 

Sounds like you had a loooong drive today. Yikes. And in the heat too. It's been raining on and off for over a week where I am. Not sure what happened to El Nino haha. Everything feels so soggy today. 

Hope you've been getting some nice rest.


Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh @Owlunar2 I am so sorry to hear this. Tooth pain is hard enough but to have an infection and all the other complications - I really feel for you. Sending loads and loads of love ❤️❤️❤️

Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Zoe7 


It has been a bit too much and I have a lot happening in the run up to Christmas - mostly medical issues. My nutrition could be better - hopefully I can get my new teeth soon.


I hope you are okay  - I know you battle on more than one front at a time which is never easy 


I have been out of touch - sending my best thoughts though

Mumma Bear 


Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh dear that sounds horrendous @Owlunar2  good you felt better to post on forum and tell us. You have so much strength courage and inspiration but I hear that it is exceedingly tough. 

My root canal treatment last month and covid atm are nothing in comparison. Medical complexity is hard. Amazing when it works. Rest up. 

My son said and sounds like he is getting covid so I need to mask up and face the shops. Oh no silly me I can order online. Will do that now. We should get through. I really hope your pain levels improve and capacity to eat improves. Your strong shoulder metaphorically speaking is such a boom to the forum. Virtual Hugs... no germs 

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar2 Just because you are not here does not mean you are not thought of Mumma Bear ❤️ I am doing as okay as can be. The half days are helping because I can come home, have pain relief and lie down for a few hours. I go back to my GP on Monday and I know she will want the half days to continue but I am not sure the department will play ball - that is something they will have to deal with though as it will cost more if I have to have days off (which is quite likely if I have to go back fulltime). 


Had a really great session with my psych this afternoon - she always makes me feel better 😁


Got a few things to get done this weekend but once they are done, the next few weeks should be a bit easier work wise. Then I can just enjoy the days with my beautiful kids.


I hope you can get your new teeth soon and you can eat better. It is so hard to even feel like eating when we have tooth/mouth pain so I very much feel for you.

Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh dear  @Owlunar2 .   My friend,  not that you need it,  but you have my whole hearted support to vent a major wailing gripe.     God put teeth in our  heads  just to let us know he's the boss and can yank our chain without warning, and usually when most inconvenient.


Major drag..  Major design flaw.   Sharks can grow new teeth.   What, . . Do  they have sole rights to the patent. ?


Poor lass.  There is nothing I could ever say that could relief the anguish and agony of insubordinate 

teeth.   I just hope that this whole unfortunate affair doesn't thwart your well planned incursion into 

the Tasmanian wilderness.   

So,  I Shall pray to any Gods that have not long since jumped ship from this ill fated planet,  in the hope that I have not fallen foul of their favour, or used all mine up.  With a little nod from them,  I feel you will soon be well again.  


You need and deserve that holiday.            Kindest thoughts to you  Mumma bear. . .


I mean really.  .  .  How can you be a bear without teeth.      It'll come good ..                          tonys..

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi everyone.

 @Owlunar2 Did @Eyore my friend ever come back to the Forums (under another name)?

Or is she still gone ?

@Zoe7 @Decadian 

Sadly, that when I lost my connection with the Forums.


Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Adge 


It's great to hear from you again  - life does go on and it's wonderful that the forum is still here and all are welcome  - how good this is!


Alas - to my knowledge EOR never came back - people are free to leave as well  - and many people have for whatever reason  - perhaps they recovered - that's a real blessing 


I was originally Decadian  - I have been haunted  by a ghostly glitch  - one of those strange techie issues that convince me that AI can never be accurate 


I hope you are the best you can be  - I remember you had  birds which is a glorious and life enhancing way to enjoy the universe  - I had two canaries  - German rollers - their voices filled my life with joy for 9 years  - then I had some hermit crabs - quite different and fun actually 


Take care of yourself Adge and please keep in touch 



Re: Life can be a Pain



Hi Tony on Moon Base One


Yeah - I could vent in a great, tsunami creating gripe - and maybe in my prayers I did. It has been a rough trip these last months - this year actually - wow - life does happen and sometimes all in the same week.


Teeth - yeah - aw- I do have my upper partial and some of my own teeth - I lost teeth through bad luck - maybe I bit off more than I could chew - I was the Ugly Duckling busy growing into a wonderful owl actually and my mother couldn't understand what she had in her nest - 


I'm seeing the oral surgeon on Thursday - and my dentist next week - about my new teeth - which I am busy praying about - that all of this will run smoothly - 


This has delayed my holiday - after all eating mushy food is sometimes best prepared at home - my health is improving gradually - it takes time for old owls to get their energy levels up.


This ill-fated planet - it was created out of fire and collisions with other heavenly bodies - so that was a rough start - and now during this time-period which might be known as the "Anthracene" - the chaos caused by mankind burning fossil fuels and discarding plastic - and if there are any of the gods that people have created are the real God and he hasn't left - we do have a future - this convoluted sentence might have some meaning.


I still find glory in something I can't reach - therefore - I can't touch it - I perceive something though - which I call God and trust that in spite of what humans are doing the world itself will survive - I can hope and hope is my mainstay - 


Take care of yourself Tony - they say life was not meant to be easy - I am sure it was not meant to be so hard - as it can be at times


Sending my best thought

Mumma Bear


Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Zoe7 


It is good to know I am thought of even if I don't post - wonderful - in fact.


Are you needing half-day because of your back pain? This must be hard - and working full-time could be hard for you too - I understand.


Will the department make a decision during the summer holidays - it must be hard for you waiting and battling and hoping - you are a good - brilliant - teacher - you need to fulfil that passion.


I wish you the best - I know it has to be draining for you - and right now working half-days helps


Sending my love 

Mumma Bear
