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Is it really bipolar

I know Im not well at the moment but for a while I have been questioning my diagnosis. Currently, I am diagnosed Bipolar 2 with Psychotic Features, I was never bothered by that diagnosis but recently I have been told that psychotic features only present in depressed moods. Now, most of you know my current story and would agree that I should be depressed, like really depressed but I wouldnt say I am. I mean Im not happy by any stretch, there is nothing in my life to be happy about. But Im not depressed, for the most part Im just ok or void of any mood. I get sad, worried, frustrated etc by whats going on but not depressed yet Im having increasingly complex and diverse psychotic features.
Some years ago I was seeing a psychiatrist who suggested that I might have schizoaffective disorder however she never actually diagnosed me with such. But it makes me wonder if I do have it because Im starting to think my current diagnosis doesnt fit.
Im not asking for people to tell me one way or the other, though thoughts are fine. Im going to try and get the money together in my budget to be able to afford a psychiatrist and the first thing will be confirming or changing my diagnosis.

Re: Is it really bipolar

I dunno @ClockFace I suspect it's nuanced and we all present differently within broad parameters.  Tbh I always thought most psychosis in BD was when mania went off the deep end which doesn't really fit either. 


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Re: Is it really bipolar

Greetings. You state "complex and diverse psychotic" features/episodes. Elaborate please. As for wondering about your diagnosis.. sure, I've had bipolar friends that have had episodes both on the mania and depressive end. But hey, schizoeffective, which is such a sweet way of saying you're schizophrenic or realising it may encompass other disorders, was, and still is commonly misdiagnosed when confronted with bipolar. Either one will do. Till they get it right.


Mate, I'm apparently schizophrenic, but my demons disagree. Even after I slap them and they growl. Is that truly schizophrenia? Doctors.. especially psychiatrists are always learning. Take a look at the history of psychiatry. 


"One flew over the coocoos nest" is fairly accurate, for a movie too. Need to think about these things. Don't look too far back though.. like 70 years,.. it may freak you out.


Just consider what you know and experience versus what you read/hear.



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Re: Is it really bipolar

Look at it this way: wasn't really that long ago that the world was flat, Catholics stormed Europe bellowing the love of God whilst trampling through blood and setting fire to intelligent women. Humans used to cark it from simple diseases and viruses. We are always learning how to better behave and researching better ways to survive.. even ourselves. We are forever learning.


Ever seen that movie 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis? He was put on a medication, that i'm not allowed to mention, that left him mouth open, drooling and basically a zombie. I was put on a decent dose of that back in 2010, before I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I remember looking at the ocean, with less drool and thinking, this isn't life.


Years later, I was put on a new medication, that i'm not allowed to mention, and I remember saying to my psych that yes, it does help, but what about these things people call demons? He stated that he doesn't believe in demons and humans do far more damage. 😆


Well, doesn't help me totally, but, okay.

My point is.. humans learn from a source. From this perspective, we are the source. Don't just believe what a learner is regurgitating from a textbook: give more information. Work with them. That way, they learn and you find resolution.


Though, I do believe psychiatry is somewhat a pseudo-science. 🤔


Peace. 👍

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