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Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

As it has come to that time now, I would like to say a huge thanks to everyone involved tonight and a big thanks to @Elise_Research for including the Forum members in on this important research.

If anything from tonight's discussion has raised distress for you, please don't hesitate to contact a crisis service, engage in your helpful strategies or continue to connect with others here in the Forums.

Thank you for all being so generous in sharing your experiences.

If you have any questions about tonight's session or the research in general, but sure to check out the Participant Information Sheet where you'll find a lot of information including how to get in touch if you have any unanswered questions.

Thanks everyone!

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

I am in rural WA
The wait for psychiatrists is about 4 weeks
It’s a lonely wait when someone is struggling

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Early days yet on the relationship councilling @EliseSunflower, my darling has connected with the councillor early which is a big plus.

Last visit was quite draining but hoping we should start seing some progress. We are starting to deal with some foundational issues that have been swept under the carpet for many years  due to the volitality of the pd. 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Thankyou @Former-Member @elsie_resarch  


Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Indi7,

Its great that you have come by, unfortunately we are at the end of tonights topic tuesday. However, I do invite you to read through tonight's comments as they may help you to feel less alone in what you are going through. I also encourage you to post in the main forums space tonight if you are wanting to connect further at the moment. Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

@Determined and @Former-Member thank you for your last comments. Unfortunately it's time for me to log off.

Thanks @Former-Member for your support and a huge thank you to everyone who participated in tonight's discussion! I enjoyed speaking to you all. 

Thank you for sharing your stories and experiences. All your insights are extremely valuable.

Have a great night everyone! 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Thank you @EliseSunflower 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

I think a name change would be a good start - personality disorder is a dreadful title. Some sort of trauma is often involved and something in relation to coping mechanisms might serve patients and their carers better - this factor was not known about Mr D at the time - paternal alcoholism and witnessing of domestic violence featured in his formative years - this was something he kept hidden from me for 32 years and I only found out from one of his brothers when I was putting his chart together - found an article on personality traits of adult children of alcoholic parents, one of which described Mr D relatively accurately.

Supporting carers makes so much sense, we live with the patients, can contribute so much in observations, being excluded is plain rude (esp when partner has given permission). These are potentially terminal conditions - imagine the uproar if oncologists excluded family. Providing information as to supports that are available, explaining that MI puts a strain on even the most robust if relationships and guiding us to appropriate places as to where to get the support we need to enable us to cope.

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Thank you @EliseSunflower @Former-Member

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

I second everything @Former-Member has said above. especially the name change and involvement of carers.