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Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

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Welcome to this special Topic Tuesday discussion.

In this event we'll be looking at the support and treatment options available for your loved ones living with a personality disorder and asking you about their overall usefulness.

This discussion will be a little different to a normal Topic Tuesday because it will be part of a research project conducted by SANE for the National Mental Health Commission. SANE will be reporting on the lived experience of seeking support and treatment for personality disorders.

Elise Carrotte, a Research Assistant at SANE, is hoping to hear from you about your loved ones experiences accessing support and treatment services in Australia and your experiences accessing support as a carer. We’re looking at the big picture, including early intervention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, relapse prevention and social/financial support.

What types of services have you accessed? What have you found helpful? 

Please read the Participant Information Sheet before deciding to participate in the discussion. By posting in this thread, you are agreeing that your responses can be used as part of the project. This may involve paraphrasing or summarising, or using direct quotes. If your comments are used, researchers will protect anonymity by using pseudonyms and removing any identifying details.

To get an email reminder on the night, hit the ‘Like’ button below.



Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi everyone & welcome,

Hello to those who wanted a reminder for tonight @Trudy @Slytherclaw85 @outlander @Determined @Shaz51 @Try18 @Indi7 @Former-Member @LilyLive @Bev @CompulsiveWalke @Susanna @mgi @Cracked73

Before we get started, please ensure you have read the Participant Information Form. Tonight’s Topic Tuesday has a different purpose than usual, and your insights will be informing SANE's research project.

Note that:

  • by posting in this thread you are agreeing to have your responses used as part of this project
  • while we are discussing personal experiences, you are not under any obligation to disclose anything that you do not wish to
  • If your comments are used, researchers will protect anonymity by using pseudonyms and removing any identifying details
  • If you do not wish your comments to be included in the report, you must via email and provide your username and the comment in question after the focus group within a week.
  • please keep in mind our Community Guidelines, in particular our guidelines around defamation. While we want you to feel comfortable sharing what didn't work for you, we are unable to publish allegations against organisations. 
  • tonights focus group is designed to inform this research from a carer's perspective and experience - if you missed the lived experience focus group last week you are welcome to read through and review it here

Now, with that all said I shall pass over to @EliseSunflower

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi everyone and thanks @Former-Member for introducing me Smiley Very Happy

I'm excited to be here! I'm a Research Assistant on this project, which is all about treatment for personality disorders in Australian context. 

My first question for the night is: Who in your life is experiencing a personality disorder, and what sort of care or support do you provide for them?


Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Good evening @Former-Member @EliseSunflower
I care for my husband who has in the past had a diagnoses of "personality disorder with cluster B/C traits" this was changed to "personality disorder with anxious, avoidant and borderline features" this was then downgraded to a "personality disorder NOS" and I was told once BPii under control that might not be an issue.


Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member great to have you here Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member, thanks for joining us tonight.

That's interesting to hear that your husband's diagnoses have changed a few times. Can you tell me more about the process of seeking and receiving different diagnoses? e.g. Were these diagnoses provided by different mental health professionals over time? 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @EliseSunflower and welcome. Hi @Former-Member

I care for my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder.

For me caring involves ensuring correct meds are taken, (all meds have to be locked away and distributed as required), making and ensuring medical appointments are kept, taking care of finances and everything to do do with children and school. 

At this time I am effectively a full time carer as I am unable to maintain employment and support my wife. I do study part time and work 5 hours per week at my university as a form of self care. Something to focus on outside of home life. 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hello @EliseSunflower, @Former-Member Smiley Happy

Hello @Former-Member 

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Shaz51 and @Determined Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday Focus Group // Treatment and support for people experiencing personality disorders // Tuesday 13 March, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Shaz51, it's great to have you here!

Are you providing care for someone with a personality disorder? I'd love to hear about your experiences tonight Smiley Happy