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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

I'm sorry...

That community health can't help you.
I'm sorry that you can't get a case worker though you have got 6 jobs the past year and lost them from being put off or too unwell to start.
I'm sorry you are stuck between the private and public system.
I'm sorry the private psych can't help you more.
I'm sorry I only just put your health insurance up and we have to wait for help.
I'm sorry your family and friends do not understand your agony and my despair.
I'm sorry every door we bang on won't open or slams in our face.
I'm sorry that a forward thinking modern country like ours is letting you down.
I'm sorry your life is over.
I'm sorry mine is too.

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Re: I'm sorry...


Can you please help @WinterSun

@WinterSun here listening to you. There is hope.


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Re: I'm sorry...

@Former-Member have I tagged mods correctly?
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Re: I'm sorry...

Hi @WinterSun,

It sounds from your posts that you have been having trouble with various aspects of the mental health system, be it the public or private sectors, a psych and also the response you have receive from family members and friends.

I'm glad that you are using the forum to share your experiences and get support. Would you like to share more of your experience with us so we get more of an understanding of what is happening for you? I'm curious as to whether you are currently caring for a loved one or if your post is referring to your experience with the mental health system.

You could also give us a call in the Help Centre to talk about any options you have as well, if you feel you'd like to.

Look forward to chatting with you soon Smiley Very Happy


Thanks @Former-Member and yes that is fine to tag us here Smiley Very Happy

Re: I'm sorry...


This is my current situation. A process that has been going for a year. My son has had two trips to hospital and with the last was basically "babysat" for a few days because he had a private psych (recommended to go this way by gp) who was away at the time and they wouldnt alter the meds of the private psych.

We are stuck. Literally, And at the end of hope. I have been told that the local health service has over 600 consumers they need to follow up. So I guess they see two supportive parents and it ends there.

They say he is not bad enough for a case manager. We are managing him making sure dr appts, centrelink, jobs etc are met. He has spent the past week sleeping 24 hours a day and when I told the psych he didnt bat an eyelid. He missed look for work appts so centrelink has stopped. He has basic private cover and we have increased his private hospital insurance at our expense but have a waiting period. 

His gp is currently away and we are trying to source an alternate psych appt for a second opinion. Currently any that we have been referred to have closed their books or appts will be weeks away.

I phoned the sane helpline and unfortunately didnt get anywhere. The call dropped out acknowledging for me another slammed door.

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Re: I'm sorry...

hello @WinterSun

I have just read everything that you have said

I truly feel for you and your son

the mental health system needs a total overhaul.....a change at the helm....some positive action

you are supporting your son in so many ways apart from financially paying for his private health insurance as well

you are doing your utmost as loving parents

I am not sure if you have been through this with your son before or is such a rude...harsh awakening as patients are just treated with indifference sometimes

those who are fortunate enough to have the support of parents suffer differently.....the understaffed, overworked medical workers see that as a way out of their having to find a place for yet another mentally unwell member of society...patient discharged....done and dusted

I know of what you are talking about....we still  support our loved ones....we speak up effectively and assertively and we let the powers that be know that the system is  broken

ring carers mental health australia they will give you some suggestions and support

take some time for yourselves for something nice no matter how small or brief

then prepare if you are able to speak up assertively about the rights of your son to office of chief psychiatrists and other mental health  departments in your state....research your rights

we carers on here will support you

@Former-Member is a wealth of knowledge as far as resources available


Re: I'm sorry...


I tried phoning the help line(1800 number ?) and couldn't get through. Other desperate people needing help too I imagine.

I phoned the state mental health help line but they said all they would do is refer him to the local community health who would make contact with him. He is going to say he's ok but I dont see how being in bed 24 hours a day every day is someone who is okay. So round the circle we go again.

He has given up and I'm giving up. Shouldnt have to be this hard.


Re: I'm sorry...



I tried phoning the help line(1800 number ?) and couldn't get through. Other desperate people needing help too I imagine.

I phoned the state mental health help line but they said all they would do is refer him to the local community health who would make contact with him. He is going to say he's ok but I dont see how being in bed 24 hours a day every day is someone who is okay. So round the circle we go again.

He has given up and I'm giving up. Shouldnt have to be this hard.


Re: I'm sorry...

Hi @WinterSun, I also read back through your other post ("Staying Safe") and you mentioned recent medication changes. Are you monitoring your sons meds to make sure he's taking the correct doses? You mentioned he was "hyper" not long ago. Is it possible this sleepy phase is something he'll go through until the meds stabilise him? If you can, try to push the current psych for some clear answers about the medications. My son (different diagnosis, not Bi-polar) is on very high doses of anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, and they made him very sleepy for months, not sleeping 24h but he slept alot. Later, once he got used to the meds, he was awake all hours. Also, and this may be too late now, a GP can write a Centrelink medical certificate to exempt your son from job search for a period of time (few months). I hope things improve soon.

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Re: I'm sorry...

When it seems that all is against you and nothing is going right it is very hard to see that there is hope. Depression often follows mania with a vengeance. Remember it is a cycle and as a carer we often feel so helpless. We want so much for things to be better. Talking here on the forum where you can tell it like it is, talk about the frustrations, and hopefully keep the strength to deal with things at home.

Have you an appt with his original pdoc?
Hang in there, if your son does switch meds it will still take a little time for things to pick up.

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