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Re: I can’t cope

Hahaha "doomed"... @Captain24  You're funny. And yes, tell your bro he's born on a highway!


At least for me, I won't pass my genes to anyone lol. No one needs another me on this earth. 


Thanks so much for the chat tonight. It was great to just let go and chat. All week, I've felt like I've been catching my tail. Tonight was the first night I caught up with my 100+ notifications lol.


Anyway, have a good night. Take care hun.


Hugs, tyme

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks for chatting @tyme 


The world doesn’t need another me either. I’m not sure it actually wants me either. 

I hope you feel better. 

Re: I can’t cope

So I have done all my housework today. Changed my sheets. Had a shower and washed my hair. Mown the front lawn and part of the back. Ran out of bin space but I did the worst bits. At least I can see Pix and Jett out there now. 

I also went into town went to the chemist and went to the markets. The two of them enjoyed the outing and walking around the park when we left the markets. They have to be in the pram in there. Jett will bite peoples ankles and Pix is scared of crowds. 

All I have to do tomorrow is bath the dogs and go shopping. 

Im exhausted. I couldn’t go back to bed today because I hadn’t made it. It’s the first day I haven’t gone back to bed in ages. Everyday I just seem to be in there. 

Now to get through dinner tonight. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 hiya cap! Was gonna check in and see how your day has gone - woohoo not going back to bed! Feeling accomplished? You certainly smashed out a lot today! 


Teehee dogs in pram!! Got any pics? 

Re: I can’t cope

How are you going? @Jynx 


I do feel accomplished. I’m really tired though. It’s the most I’ve done in a long time. I can’t remember the last time I actually washed the floors. I was really lazy though and didn’t move any chairs or stools!


I also put or my meds in a weekly organiser so I don’t have to try and think what I have to take. 

It’s a really old photo. Jett was just a baby. I’ll have to take a new one next time they are in it. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 Heck yessss and yo, you have to conserve energy somewhere hahaha you'll get under the stools next time 😋


Ooh good idea! I've been meaning to figure out a better pill organisey system. You get a fancy one?



Re: I can’t cope

Can’t expect too much done. The chairs can wait. @Jynx 


It’s just one from the chemist. It does 7 days AM and PM. It just took one lot of concentration to save me concentrating everytime. 

Pix always has her tongue hanging out!


Im about to go to dinner for my aunties 70th. Half the people aren’t even talking to each other so it sounds like fun. I’m to tired and not well enough to deal with people’s shit! 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 yep that's it exactly!! That's why I have my hair like I do - a mohawk - cos like, yeah every few weeks I have to buzz it back myself, but it means that 9/10 days I wake up and my hair is just... done. Spiky! So bed-head actually works LOL


Oh boy... recipe for drama? You gotta be the Wallflower! Sit back and just bear witness to the chaos 😂

Re: I can’t cope

It’s done and I’m home @Jynx. Everyone actually got along. Mum did be herself a couple of times but mostly she was alright. 

I was impressed with myself. I actively participated in conversations. It was hard and I’m really drained now. As everyone was saying they were leaving I just got up said goodbye and left. I was the first out the door. 

A couple came over to my auntie and wished her a happy birthday. The wife said that it was good to see my auntie. She is blind! So she didn’t really see her! 😜 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 phew!! Nice one, sounds like it ended up being an alright evening! But yes, very draining. You got anything on tomorrow or you get to chill? 


Ahaha oh that's a bit funny 😂