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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Feeling alone

I'm having trouble accepting that nothing  will ever go the way I need it to so that I feel okay.

Ever since I moved to a small town I have struggled so much and no one sees it. 

My partner, our son and myself moved rural for my partners job. 

But while they seem to have flourished I have not. 

Recently one of my best friends who was a major part of my support system  told me she might consider moving here but she has so many friends and family that don't want her to leave and some have offered  to house her and her kids till she can get another house. Which is good but is also tearing me up inside because I literally have no one out here to depend on or to be there when I need. I know I have my partner but he struggles with how to be supportive of my mental health because  he has never had to deal with what I  did growing up. I know it's selfish  to  want her to leave everything  and come out here but honestly  I feel she is the only one who truly understands me and my mental  health

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Re: Feeling alone

Hey @Define_normal 


I'm sorry you feel you haven't thrived with this move to a small town. It sounds like this friend really makes you feel understood and supported.


I can imagine how disappointing it is they may not be moving close to you.

How are you travelling today?

Re: Feeling alone

Hello @Former-Member,


I am ok today I suppose. I just finding it hard to be away from where I felt comfortable.

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