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Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten that scene from the princess diaries where they throw darts at water balloons filled with paint...

@TAB yes you probably are

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @avant-garde @greenpea @Bill16 @Gremlin24 @Meowmy @StuF Dougie this afternoon when I was leaving the paddock.



He didn’t move as I got further away. 

I’d sleep down there, but I don’t like ants 🐜 


Re: Tabaluga's

@avant-garde I don’t know what the Princess Diaries are/is.

The Princess Bride ❤️ - yes

My two favourite movies are the Usual Suspects and the Untouchables.

For a straight chick that loves woodwork and wants to marry Brigadier General Jack O’Neill, but highly doubtful because he is a fictional character.

I got some unusual likes and dislikes.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten I haven't seen either of those movies but do really enjoy the princess bride. Damsel on Netflix is really good too, similar lines, she's no damsel

Re: Tabaluga's

@avant-garde I thoroughly enjoyed Damsel - AntiDamsel? 😃


Re: Tabaluga's




I don't have Netflix anymore, being homeless made it impossible to use and now I don't have sufficient internet

Re: Tabaluga's

@avant-garde being homeless sucks! It is horrible! 
I’m not living in my car, but where I currently live isn’t permanent.

I want a farming, horticulture, agriculture, livestock, invasive pest management job.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten yeah it does... but knowing it could've been prevented if it wasn't for Delilah... that's what I hate most. 


Job wise I have so many qualifications but no experience, and honestly get sick of the same old conversations 

  • Volunteering? no insurance to volunteer
  • Entry level? Overqualified, too old
  • Your actual position? No experience
  • Schools? Parents fill the volunteer positions

I'm a qualified librarian, secretary, teachers assistant, special needs teachers assistant, have my NDIS clearance check, drivers licence

But they could pay someone younger less, I have no experience, I can't work full time.


I love libraries and I'm good at what I do, but nobody will give me a chance to prove it

Re: Tabaluga's

Library jobs are as rare as rocking horse manure. You have to know someone with influence to get in.

It’s the same with FIFO, and getting a job at Bunnings. You got to know someone to get you in.

There is AEC temp jobs


Re: Tabaluga's


I've worked at elections a couple of times but it became too high risk of someone identifying me