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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Abner There you go… lol…the internet shows me a map of Haarlem… and Frans Hals museum… and I have a copy of the Gypsy Girl in oil painted by an uncle on my wall behind me.


I like pictures too..

Re: Share a cuppa?

I also love words; I love learning languages, and etymology fascinates me @Appleblossom.. My mother was French and my maternal Grandmother was Belgian and spoke both French and Flemish, which is closely related to Dutch.  One of the things I enjoy about the Beatles' songs is the grammar is beautiful.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I don’t really speak another language properly. Just English @Abner but have sung in many languages. 

Flemish background is interesting. My family lived in Brabant before they migrated to Australia. Mother learned piano in Antwerp. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

My Bonne Maman lived in Wallony, I'm not sure where but can probably find out.  I'd love to go to Belgium one day, and recently watched a production of The Love of Three Oranges on YouTube done by the Royal Opera of Wallony   Do you like opera or ballet @Appleblossom ?