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Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Thanks @Shaz51.  Heart  And a hug to you also.

No, my husband had kidney cancer about 8 years ago and had a kidney removed. Soon after that his remaining kidney started to deteriorate.  I guess it was too much to take on the work of 2 kidneys all of a sudden. So he was diagnosed with CKD, and his kidney function has been slowly decreasing since. It doesnt help that he's also an alcoholic, which is an added burden on the kidneys.

My husbands cancer is from a melanoma he had removed about 20 months ago from his shoulder.  It spread to his lungs and its for Stage IV metastatic melanoma that he is receiving the anti-cancer treatment for (immunotherapy).

I think you were born with only one kidney, is that right? Thats a blow with your Ferritin being so high, definitely not a good indicator. Do you have an appointment with the blood specialist yet?

Something nice for me?  Hmmm, not sure.  I watched the ladies cricket WBBL this afternoon.  I follow the Sydney Sixers, and they won.  So that was nice.  Hubby likes the cricket too, so he watched as well.  And I saw a bit of the Davis Cup tennis earlier.  Unfortunately the young Aussie (Alex De Minaur) lost to Zverev (The German fellow, currently #5 in world rankings) in 5 sets.  He did really well though.  He's only 18, and looks like he's going to be a very good player as he matures.  And a great attitude and behaviour.

Do you have anything planned for your weekend Shaz?

Sherry xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

appointment with the blood specialist yet -- no not yet @Former-Member

My ferritin is 1090 in November and they are thinking a auto immunity desease but have to wait and see

this weekend , we are going to do one job in the morning , go and visit my MIL , sunday go food shopping for mum and us and it is Mr shaz birthday on sunday

sounds like a nice afternoon @Former-Member, self care does not need to be big , Mr shaz loves the 4x4 shows on sunday so isit with him and watch it too just to relax and do nothing

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

@Shaz51 it was a good day (for once) though I had to keep stopping my mind from going down the panicky wormhole many many times. I keep living in fear that a panic attack might come. I had to go to training for two days via plane and that was super scary. It was overwhelming to be around that many people. I felt loopy. I have to go to a 5 day conference next week and I’m terrified. As a result of all of this, my stomach has become all messed up. I’m such a basket case 😞

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

One day at a time @Bananatron HeartHeart

My husband wh has had MI all his life get`s panic attacks too

Have you got something nice planned for the weekend ??

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

@Shaz51 I had an absolutely great day. This must be the happiest I have been for awhile. I am so looking forward to each day now and making the most of it Coping much better at my caring role. I am so grateful to have such a loving husband, daughter and friends that have helped me achieved this heightened state of joy but also I learnt that to keep that joy and to be the best at caring was to exercise self care and move away from the negative people in my life that were dragging me down to their misery level? It worked 😊🙏. Cheers to celebrating life 🍷


Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi Shaz,

Thanks for asking. I am ok, but have trouble sleeping. It's hard not to wake up and think of everything. My husband and i feel we experience groundhog day - constantly trying to address the same issues, which just keep recoccuring with different hospitals, pychs. I am trying to get some support for us now and joining this forum has helped. Hope you are ok


Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Wonderful @Former-Member HeartHeart

Hugs @Former-Member HeartHeart

You did it @Bananatron, way to go Heart

 I am trying to get some support for us now and joining this forum has helped., sounds good @merri, I have found the forum helpful to me and to help my hubby Heart

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

I am trying to take it one day at a time. Trying to recognize that what I sometimes feel is okay and that it is part of life. I am quite upset though that the anxiety has affected my stomach. I have been subsisting off of oatmeal, brown rice with squash, and toast for the past week. It is unfortunate because I love eating all sorts of flavourful food. I suppose over time and with therapy, my stomach pain will settle (I hope). I’m glad that I found this group. Knowing that others struggle with the same thing makes me feel less crazy and alone. The worst part of this is the loneliness I feel because others don’t fully understand that just because I look okay on the outside, doesn’t mean that I am not swirling around in an ocean of anxiety on the inside. Thank you @Shaz51

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

I know what you mean @Bananatron

as a wife , my husband has had MI all his life but people don`t believe me as they tell me "" He tells great jokes "" and he can make people laugh

yes but inside all he wants to do is go home

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

It’s tough to be out with people in big spaces. I am proud of myself for going out to a restaurant with my friends. I couldn’t eat anything because of my stomach pains, but I worked hard to just focus on our conversation rather than the many people around us who were loud and overwhelming. I hope thay I figure it out @Shaz51!