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Re: Tabaluga's





Morning dear.....

Looking like a good afternoon today ☀️ 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

good idea re bike, bit yard is a bit rough for the tyres got on it, @Meowmy  did around the block ok 2 big blocks, near did a hamstring near the end ha ha  took 1/3 time of last walk. 

weights was only benchpress 1 set and lat pulldown 1 set  felt like was going to faint just lying back on bench, nearly didnt do anything at all ha ha lol @StuF  have a few days off then more bike and try like 6 exercises for weights, got to get walk in tomorrow

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..said the Spider to the Fly .. @PeppyPatti @StuF  lol

Re: Tabaluga's


Iggy would have been awesome

Re: Tabaluga's

Howdy @PeppyPatti 


Nice looking afternoon here too


I hope yours is going well

Re: Tabaluga's

Well done re bike and weights @TAB 


Gotta start somewhere

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, well done re exercises. One and half hours to weekend here. Hope the afternoon and evening will turn put okay for us.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I might have even gone on my own @StuF  bit unlike me at the time, guess no one else knew there remotely interested. I remember telling people he put his head inside a speaker box, well he did lol ..and yes, music was playing at the time lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

well I already tripled walking it had got so bad @StuF  but yeah, so quick gains poss if careful , just need to learn consistency

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

very good @Meowmy  hope it goes quickly for you

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