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Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Newwave, @Annieabella, @Former-Member, @southerncross, @just_me, @Eagle, @Jimsbobby, @denial, @cheersquad

How is everyone today ??

Have been thinking of you this morning , hope everything is ok xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51
Thanks for asking. Doing it a bit tough at the moment but nothing unusual with my mum. She has now officially disowned me which is a joke but you get that I keep trying to remember that she is unwell even though she wont admit it.
Merry Christmas to you hope you have a lovely one. Xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Sending you hugs @denial HeartHeart

and remember we are here for you ,you are not aone my friend xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Thanks @Shaz51

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

How are you today @denial xx

yes, my dad kept on rejecting me through my life , I think now that he was so unwell  and I didn`t know it

so hope you are ok , we are here for you ifyou would like to talk xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

hello @Shaz51

i had an appointment with mental health support person part of carers outreach link in my state.

she has been a breath of fresh air for me with all my turmoil with my son. i have told her she is my guardian angel.  They come and go.

I was with her for nearly 2 hours and she was brilliant.

I told her that my biggest fear at the moment is that because my son is in  denial of diagnosis therefore not on any medication, his CTO expired now in this state, he had already escaped to another state. i have tried contacting him again several times, phone, text but no response. his last words were i no longer have 2 sons i only have one son now. i would not send him any more money explained that i could not afford it. his dad has given him money so he heard from him again about a week ago for money for a taxi fare, he was moving again but would not say where.

i told the lady today, his illness is only deteriorating by the day as no medication, i am praying he will be noticed and detained and therefore medicated. as awful as that sounds. my fear was that they would not know him , and have details to contact us. they will also only detain him in hospital for a short period, release him, homeless, worse off. i had tried ringing the public hospital psychiatric ward in that state previously and they were most unhelpful.

So she picked up the phone and got through to the mental health section twice explained what was happening, passed the phone to me and i gave her my sons details etc plus my phoneno. and his dads phone no. i had to pass the phone back to the lady because i was too distressed by that time. so the good thing is that they have a note on file if he does get picked up. they have details about him and our contact nos. This is some relief and will help a little getting through christmas, smiling at everyone around me.

thank you for listening.

not feeling very articulate at the moment so goodnight for now and thank you again.

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hi @Shaz51
I am doing better. I popped on to my thread and wrote an update on what is happening in my world today. Its in looking after yourself, trying to set clear boundaries. Writing how I see things really helps to put things in perspective. It all sounds so childish and embarrassing when I re read what I wrote but it helps me to remember that none of this is my fault and mum isnt really the best person she could be. We now have to deal with dad copycating mums behavior which I have read can happen often when a partner has been in a situation like he has for such a long time. Funny that now this time after so many years dad has taken this path as well. Feels like a double blow. My sister has had a health scare in the ladt 24hrs which we are waiting on results for. This appears to have given my parents the window they were looking for and have attempted to march in on my sister again when she is vulnerable.
Its all so messy I just loose track of it all now. I am so tired of their mind games I have tagged out and left their ring. I am now having a well earned break from them both I decided or I will end up like them.
Its great that I can put my private thoughts here with no judgment it helps so much.
Hopefully your holidays will bring you happiness and peace. Xx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Hello @Former-Memberxx

it  is some relief and will help a little getting through christmas, , I agree @Former-Member

sending you hugs

hope your day is ok today

we have finished our cleaning jobs now for 2 weeks , got a few lawns to mow before our christmas break

and hubby has gone to sleep

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

hello @Shaz51

thank you - all a bit too hard at the moment - just getting through hour by hour

had 2 prn yesterday, 2 sleeping tablets with antidepressant normally only have 1 sleeping tablet.

awake all night. it felt like my eyes were popping out of my head.

so very drained today.

had my hair trimmed and had to put on the big smile and have a wonderful christmas everyone stuff which is necessary because few people need to know my stuff. its always been that way and always will be.

i hope you have a restful break and enjoy some time together with your husband xxx

Re: Let`s Talk -- how was you day today !!

Oh @Former-Member take care my friend xx

One day at a time here my friend , i never know what is going to happen from day to day  xx

hope you can sleep tonight  xx

someone is here 24/7 if you want to talk xx

let me know how you are going