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Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

Hi @Hazelle

Thank you *so* much for sharing your story. It's a very empowering one!

It seems like you have a great balance of taking on board what professionals say and also noticing what your mind & body tells you. That's a really great asset to have.




Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

Hi @snoopy and @NikNik

 yes the doctor and the mental health worker agreed to try half the anti anxiety meds but keep taking the antidepressants , we kept a diary over so many weeks but he was started to do things like he did  before he was on meds , so he didn`t like it so he went back to the full meds

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

May I add, I also removed myself from toxic pain causing situations, which helped a lot!

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // Tues, 19 April, 7pm AEST // Medication

Evening all 😌 @Former-Member, I've almost had the dreaded seratonin syndrome. Fortunately my local pharmacist  was alert to the possibility, and when I rang her with concerns she was able to assist me and also let my gp know. Since then I have had a total medication overhaul. The seratonin syndrome is very rare, and pharmacists will check with you if there are indications that you may be at risk. There are preliminary symptoms before the full on seratonin syndrome hits most of the time. I'm told that as long as medicos all know what one is taking, and you get all your meds from just one pharmacy and you trust the pharmacist enough to have regular conversations about your status, the risk is low.

Re: Topic Tuesday // NOW IN SESSION // Medication

Do I have to tell people that I take several different medication? Pharmacists, other doctors, first aid at work...
Can I still give blood?
Do I have to carry my scripts around when travelling?
How can I get medication if I'm not at home and run out of meds?


Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

Thank you!

Yes, I am very stubborn. Stubborn about getting well and living a wonderful life and not letting my emotions get the best of me.

Re: Topic Tuesday // NOW IN SESSION // Medication

Thankyou so much for sharing your story @Hazelle.  I think your story is a great example of how psychotherapy can complement the use of medications.  I’m really pleased to read you have made leaps and bounds in your recovery.  Also great you spoke with your doctor about decreasing your dose.  I always like to err on the side of caution and recommend never adjusting dosages yourself.  But please let your doctor know the changes you have made.

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

Hi @Hazelle

I also have BPD, depression, PTSD and anxiety.  I am currently doing DBT therapy and it is helping.  It's good to read that DBT therapy is helping you and you can see your triggers.  I can too see my triggers; I just need to control my emotions and thinking pattern.

Good luck with it all.

Re: Topic Tuesday // IN SESSION NOW // Medication

Salutations splendiferous folks,

Medication? Absolutely! Would not live without them. For me it chemically cuts off suicidal ideation, it allows me to be the best person I can be for myself, my husband who also has has Bipolar and to our children.  Medication empowers me to live the way I choose to, rather than be pulled into changing and flipping directions.

I used to be on antipsychotics and they were metabolic positive. Much, much heavier, it took me five years I think, and a change of clinician to muster up the wherewithal to say, 'this isn't working, what else is there?' Now, I am on mood stabilisers and are working a treat.

For me, being on medication, I get to write my life story, I'm in control of my life in the best way I can be when everything else is in balance. For me, there had to be more than just a diagnosis and in many ways, a strength in vulnerability and courage to take lifelong medication. This was hard for me because I fought against taking paracetamol or any analgesia. Perceived weakness and self stigma, I think, can be tricky to navigate. Would not contemplate living without them.

Re: Topic Tuesday // NOW IN SESSION // Medication

Thanks @GothMum I am going ok so far though i start the full dose of the new antidepressants tomorrow. I see my gp Thursday so that's good in case things go for the worse. I'll self monitor my side effects.
@Hazelle best wishes for your recovery. Sounds like you have sorted your life out a lot. Very inspiring 🙂