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Best mindfulness books or websites.

Good morning, 


is like aim advice on the best mindfulness books or websites that I can start to read and learn and put in to practice. 
I already have the Calm app - and doing daily calm App.

I like actual paper books - but am happy for Audio books.

thanks heaps!  🙏🏻


Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.

I use the smiling mind app. I prefer it to Calm. @JAT 


How are you today anyway?

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.

Hi @JAT , this is a really interesting question.

Honestly, it depends on what kinds of things you're interested in learning and what's available to you.

Your local library might have useful books, but librarians aren't necessarily experts in every topic for every book they choose for their library - if you knew what was there, maybe we could help hunt for gems amongst them.

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.

@tyme @


Ok awesome I’ll download that today 😄


I’m having a good day so far, lost it yesterday and ended up calling the mental health team and it was good to just have a quick chat. Then I got out with some friends for a bit and that distracted. 

Going to go for a walk this afternoon with my partner, he’s trying to get me out of the house and I think some fresh air and the ocean will do me good! 
Started the day with meditation and I’m just taking it one hour at a time. 

how are you? Thank you for checking in again 🙏🏻


my partner has also signed up to get support and have the opportunity to talk to other family’s dealing with all of this too so that’s made me very happy! 

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.



thankyou! I didn’t even think about the library - I will go tomorrow and have a look at what they have! 

I’m looking to learn more about mindfulness, managing with stress and anxiety, the Bpd brain and anything that’s valuable in my every day life and growth. 

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.

The library is a great place to get actual paper books for free (temporarily). 😊 Even reading fiction for around six minutes a day is supposed to be very good for you, don’t feel tempted to load yourself up with serious content. Sometimes it’s helpful to give the nonfiction time to settle in your mind for it to become useful.

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.



Thank you - that does make sense, I don’t want to overload my brain and not actually absorb the information. ❤️

Re: Best mindfulness books or websites.

It’ll probably land on the tip of your tongue 😂 I was trying to get at please don’t forget that enjoying yourself is also important, and that it takes time for nonfiction to get absorbed and applied and become second nature.