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Since diagnosis

I dont know if things have finally caught up with me, but since my bipolar diagnosis a couple of years ago I don't feel nearly as happy as I did before.   Despite my life trauma I've always been pretty upbeat and out there. An extrovert hiding my insecurities.    Now days I'm full of insecurities, cry often, not motivated and so emotional.  My mood swings go from happy to bawling to angry then sad all within minutes.   Then, once I sit down, I'm there, not moving.  I've noticed I'm slowly getting to a happier place  and slowly getting more motivated by forcing it each day, so I'll make myself do things however without force , I'll watch TV all day if I'm not at work.  

It doesnt help much that my husband isn't coping well with my mood swings and our marriage is rocky...  He usually withdraws and it's not what I'm needing ......


So, I feel like something is wrong but have no idea to exactly what it is that stopping me from being my normal bouncy, happy, motivated, energetic self.....


Re: Since diagnosis

Hey @Jane75, thank you for sharing your experiences with the community here on the Forums!


It is really brave of you to share and be vulnerable with your peers in the community. You demonstrate your strength and resilience in your post and reaching out. It can be really tough when we don't get what we need from the people closest to us.


The community on the Forums can support you and we'd love to hear more about you. There are some other great places to post if you want to check them out here: Looking for a space to connect with others? Find a... - SANE Forums


Thanks again for reaching out!


Take care
