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Re: Self care by growing a garden

As our proposed move is an interstate one I rang biosecurity and am really pleased there is no problem at all with me taking the phaelenopsis orchids, was even told that as long as my bulbs/other garden faves were in potting mix - not soil - I could bring them too (no fruit or veg though).  I won't be able to take too much due to space restraints but the temptation is there ..😀😀😀

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Great to hear @Former-Member. 🙂

I've never needed to do an interstate move, but when we moved out here, it was the middle of winter, so I pulled a lot of things straight out of their pots and brought them with bare rooted. Have you got any favourites you could do that with, to save space? (And you'd need to be sure you'll have time to replant them shorty after arrival at the new place.)

Re: Self care by growing a garden

A lot of the plants we have are perennials @Smc most are quite common (crisis proof) but it would be easy enough to put a few root divisions in a plastic bag with some potting mix in the bottom and pot them up when we arrive. (Even commin plants can cost $$). There are a few not so common ones such as a white filipendula and some liliums we were given that I could also divide. Not the right time of year but will check and see if the anthriscus ravens wing has set any seedlings. There is a water lily and pickerel that I could also divide (they are in pots so technically I guess we could take them).

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Yep @Former-Member. At the very least, you'll pay $2.50 for a tiny tubestock plant at a garden centre, and it'll be the kind of thing that self seeds everywhere, or pretty much self propagates by divisions or self layering.


Have just come inside because it's getting too dark to do any more outside. 😄 Have filled and planted a large (500mm) pot with assorted flowery things, and planted yet another packet of seeds. I had another spot all ready for planting too, but it'll have to wait for tomorrow.


I'm getting impatient with the seeds I've planted. Does anyone else feel like they're being a hopeless optomist when they put all these dead looking woody things in some dirt expecting them to turn into great big plants, and then feel wonderfully surprised every time it actually works? 😉

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Yes @Smc I am surprised & excited, when seeds germinate.

Especially when they're unusual things, or are harder to get.

Like Acacias (wattles), which are really hard to germinate.

Or Albizia Julibrissin (bright red fluffy flowers) that I grew from seed.


Re: Self care by growing a garden

buying som more Zygo cactus for mum @Adge , @Former-Member , @Smc , @jb3 . @jb3 , @Sheila  Heart

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Adge, I haven't done a lot of growing trees from seed, except fruit trees. Some of those have been wonderfully successful (white peaches). Others have resulted in decent tool handles and firewood (some but not all of the plums)... oh well. My sister has a lot of seedling trees growing. Lots of natives and some exotics.
I looked up the Albizia online. It's a spectacular tree. 🙂

Re: Self care by growing a garden


Thsts a very healthy looking cactus! Love the flowers 

Re: Self care by growing a garden

Lovely to hear from you @Sheila how are you and how does your garden grow?

Re: Self care by growing a garden

@Former-Member thank you for checking on me! 😊 

I am not bad thanks. Had a bought of nasty bronchitis which set me back a bit. Missed going to the gym which is one of my biggest "self care" activities. But, back on track now I think. Poor garden has been a bit neglected. Lucky for the rain. I am cultivating some little bean seedlings on my windowsill atm. I wont plant them in the garden until after the frost season.  I might cut back my asparagus on the weekend, which will make the garden look tidier.  Pleased to see the sun coming out today 🌞